Category: .


It is an elastic and very resistant polymeric material that has a high shape memory that allows the return to the original shape even if subjected to great pressures. The filament is available in many colors, and during the printing process, it does not emit odors.

Compaible machine models

42,43, XXL Plus, Q,Q XXL

Extrusion temperature

225° – 250°C

Melting point

225° – 245°C

Tensile modulus

150 MPA

Tensile strength

50 MPA

Bed plate temperature required (Y/N)

MAX 90°C (Not required)

Technical Specification

Property Value Test
Melting point 225 ° – 245 ° C NA
Tensile modulus 150 MPA ISO 527 1/2
Strength tensile 50 MPA ISO 527 1/2
Degradation NA NA
T° extrusion 225 ° – 250 ° NA
T° plate Max 90 ° C (Not required) NA